
The localeurl application provides a middleware class that sets request.LANGUAGE_CODE based on a prefix on the URL path. It stripping off this language prefix from request.path_info so that the URLconf modules do not need to change. Existing applications should work transparently with localeurl if they follow the usual Django convention of using url tags in templates and (and the urlresolvers.reverse function in Python code) to generate internal links.

Paths without locale prefix are redirected to the default locale, either from request.LANGUAGE_CODE (set by a previous language discovery middleware such as django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware) or from settings.LANGUAGE_CODE. So a request for /about/ would be redirected to /fr/about/ if French is the default language. (This behavior can be changed using settings.PREFIX_DEFAULT_LOCALE.)


The application adds one template tag and two filters. Add the following at the top of a template to enable them:

{% load localeurl_tags %}

The locale_url tag

The localeurl application replaces the urlresolvers.reverse function to return locale-specific URLs, so existing templates should not need to be changed. To manipulate the language on rendered URLs you can use the locale_url tag. This tag behaves exactly like the standard url tag, except you specify a language.


You can refer to a specific URL in a specified language like this:

<a href="{% locale_url "de" articles.views.display %}">Show article in German</a>

The chlocale filter

To add or change the locale prefix of a path use chlocale. It takes one argument: the new locale. If the path is locale-independent any prefix on the path will be stripped. This is also the case if settings.PREFIX_DEFAULT_LOCALE == False and the locale argument is the default locale.


To change the language of a URL to Dutch:

Please click <a href="{{ help_url|chlocale:"nl" }}">here</a> for Dutch help.

This filter can be used to allow users to go to a different language version of the same page. If you have this in your settings file:

_ = lambda s: s
    ('en', _(u'English')),
    ('nl', _(u'Nederlands')),
    ('de', _(u'Deutsch')),
    ('fr', _(u'Français')),

... then you can add a language selection menu in templates like this:

{% for lang in LANGUAGES %}
    {% ifequal lang.0 LANGUAGE_CODE %}
        <li class="selected">{{ lang.1 }}</li>
    {% else %}
        <li><a href="{{ request.path|chlocale:lang.0 }}">{{ lang.1 }}</a></li>
    {% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}

The rmlocale filter

You can use the rmlocale filter to remove the locale prefix from a path. It takes no arguments.


To remove the language prefix for a URL:

The language-independent URL for this page is <tt>{{ request.path|rmlocale }}</tt>.


The application supplies a view to change the locale.

The change_locale view

Instead of the language selection menu shown in the chlocale example above, you can use the localeurl_change_locale view to switch to a different language. It is designed to mimic the Django set_language redirect view.


This form shows a drop-down box to change the page language:

{% load i18n %}

<form id="locale_switcher" method="POST" action="{% url localeurl_change_locale %}">
    <select name="locale" onchange="$('#locale_switcher').submit()">
        {% for lang in LANGUAGES %}
            <option value="{{ lang.0 }}" {% ifequal lang.0 LANGUAGE_CODE %}selected="selected"{% endifequal %}>{{ lang.1 }}</option>
        {% endfor %}
        <input type="submit" value="Set" />


Localeurl supplies a LocaleurlSitemap class for more convenient creation of sitemaps that include URLs in all available languages, based on this snippet.

To use, just inherit your sitemap classes from localeurl.sitemaps.LocaleurlSitemap instead of django.contrib.sitemaps.Sitemap, and instantiate one for each language in your sitemaps dictionary.


The following show how might create a multilingual sitemap:

from localeurl.sitemaps import LocaleurlSitemap

# example Sitemap
class AdvertisementsSitemap(LocaleurlSitemap):
    def items(self):
        return Advertisement.active_objects.all()

# create each section in all languages
sitemaps = {
    'advertisements-sk': sitemaps.AdvertisementsSitemap('sk'),
    'advertisements-cs': sitemaps.AdvertisementsSitemap('cs'),

# add sitemap into urls
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^sitemap.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap', {'sitemaps': sitemaps}),

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