======= History ======= Changelog --------- Release 1.4: (2010-03-19) * Moved localeurl settings from localeurl/__init__.py to localeurl/settings.py. * Added ``LocaleurlSitemap`` for easier creation of multilingual sitemaps. * Added ``LOCALEURL_USE_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE`` setting to check HTTP Accept-Language header before resorting to ``settings.LANGUAGE_CODE`` when locale is not specified in URL. * Switched to 301 permanent redirects for no-locale URL redirect. * Moved to `BitBucket`_ for source code hosting. * Added the ``change_locale`` view, contributed by Panos Laganakos. Release 1.3: (2009-04-06) * Changed chlocale tag to strip prefix of locale-independent paths. * Moved the monkey-patching of urlresolvers.reverse to models.py. * Removed ``REDIRECT_LOCALE_INDEPENDENT_PATHS`` settings option; this is now the default. Release 1.2: (2009-01-19): * Moved the documentation into the source tree. (Based on `a blog post`_ by Andi Albrecht.) * Released version 1.2. Release 1.1: (2008-11-20): * Added the ``PREFIX_DEFAULT_LOCALE`` settings option contributed by Jonas Christian. * Added ``REDIRECT_LOCALE_INDEPENDENT_PATHS`` settings option. Release 1.0: (2008-09-10): * Added Django 1.0 or higher as a prerequisite. * Moved to Google Code. .. _`BitBucket`: http://www.bitbucket.org/carljm/django-localeurl/ .. _`a blog post`: http://andialbrecht.blogspot.com/2008/10/google-code-sphinx-theme.html Credits ------- localeurl was developed by `Joost Cassee`_ based on the work by Atli Þorbjörnsson. Contributions by Jonas Christian. Includes code from the `django-localize`_ project by `Artiom Diomin`_. Currently maintained by `Carl Meyer`_. It was partly taken from and partly inspired by discussions on the django-users_ and django-multilingual_ mailinglists: * Atli Þorbjörnsson: `Locale from URL Middleware`_ * Panos Laganakos: `creating a multilingual middleware`_ * Piotr Majewski: `multilingual middleware NEW FEATURE!`_ See also `this blog post on internationalisation`_ by Yann Malet that references Atli's code. The announcement of localeurl on these lists can be found here: * `Announcement on django-users`_ * `Announcement on django-multilingual`_ .. _`Carl Meyer`: http://www.oddbird.net/ .. _`Joost Cassee`: http://joost.cassee.net/ .. _`django-localize`: http://github.com/kron4eg/django-localize/tree/master .. _`Artiom Diomin`: http://jabber.linux.md/ .. _django-users: http://groups.google.com/group/django-users .. _django-multilingual: http://code.google.com/p/django-multilingual/ .. _`Locale from URL Middleware`: http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/7c5508174340191a/8cb2eb93168ef282 .. _`creating a multilingual middleware`: http://groups.google.com/group/django-multilingual/browse_thread/thread/b05fc30232069e1d/3e2e3ef2830cc36a .. _`multilingual middleware NEW FEATURE!`: http://groups.google.com/group/django-multilingual/browse_thread/thread/6801ea196d2aa2a9/1c8c854c474cb420 .. _`this blog post on internationalisation`: http://yml-blog.blogspot.com/2007/12/django-internationalisation.html .. _`Announcement on django-users`: http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/413e46ab3517831 .. _`Announcement on django-multilingual`: http://groups.google.com/group/django-multilingual/browse_thread/thread/bb56598b289bd488